Sunday, November 25, 2007


Ok really sorry for stating the bloody obvous. Fyi...this blog belongs to Timothy. So..friends thats a hint for you to put me in your list of friends in your blogs. Oh yea...Im Timothy Tai, to be exact.

Ok..since in using random colors and big fonts to take up space to make up for my pathetic skills of blogging,( what the hell am i supposed to do with the htmls??!!) i my as well tell you bout me!!!! Sice im not emo...politically challenged, or particularly good at blogging. i need someone to enlighten this poor soul on the blogging magic. the cbox would work just fine. NO SPAMMING PLS. iM A NEWBIE. IT JUST WONT BE FAIR....wait...i dont even know whether a cbox will magically appear in my blog...SOMEBODY PLS TELL ME IF IT DOES. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE...i shall skip to....ah yea..ME/my blog.

1.I dont know how to upload pics, urls or vids
on my blog.

2.My blog shall ocasionally post emo topics bout
either myself or the mysteries of this world.

3.(notice the color change of my font? Pretty
cool eh?) Im straight.

4.I am slow to anger( shhh* ) You guys dont need
to worry bout bitchiness.

5.Politics aint my thing.(Maybe once in awile
bout my twisted cousins, think pork)

6.Im a guy, i guess. Im single, hard to believe
but i am.

7.Soccer, my passion. Likes drums, music,
and the common whatnots that you teenagers
like. Im 15 btw.

I guess thats bout it. i shall return with a better layout, Pictures!!! and more ideas for this blog.

1 comment:

miss-mardigras said...


this is grace btw =)